Department of Fisheries has already issued ” Technical Regulation for Export and Import of Fishery Products” based on WTO-SPS agreement assistance by FAO due to Directive-2/2015 for fishery establishments to operate in food safety activities through the supply chain like that fishing vessels, landing sites, auction markets, hatcheries, aquaculture, feed plants, ice making plants for fishery products and processing establishments according to the international market requirements especially ASEAN, China and importing countries’s requirements.
Now, ‘Technical Regulation for Export and Import Fishery Products” was revised by Mrs. Else Marie Andersen, international expert and supported by Trade Development Programme (EU-GIZ). The supply chain like that fishing vessels, landing sites, auction markets, hatcheries, aquaculture, feed plants, ice making plants for fishery products and processing establishments must be complied revised ” Technical Regulation for Export and Import Fishery Products” due to Directive 8/2018.