Inspection and Certification Unit is a legal entity in form of a government body assigned as a Unit of the Research and Development Division of Department of Fisheries by Office Order No. 284/2016 [1] on Assignment of Quality Control and Research Section under Research and Development Division. The conditions for conducting official controls are stipulated in DOF Directive 2/2015 Department of Fisheries. QCRS liability is assumed by State in accordance with national laws.
Official controls are conducted only by staff assigned directly under QCRS or by other DOF units to which specific official control tasks are delegated by the QCRS Management (see chapter 6.3 in this manual)
[1] Letter No. Nga La/4Kha-3/2016 (3072) of Department of Fisheries and Letter No. Nga/Develop/Research-Wa Hta/2016 (054.Ka) on Assignment of Quality Control and Research Section under Research and Development Division.